Interview Sheet:
1. What is your name: Shiori Nakai
2. What is your Nationality: Japanese

3. How old are you: 18
4. Are you single: Yes

5. What is your Major/Faculty: Literature
6. What year are you: Freshman

7. Are you in any clubs: Yes
8. Which ones: WAWA

9. What is your position in the club? What do you do?
Member, Practice Japanese, Play card games, watch movies, tutor students, have parties

9a. What is interesting about your club?
Meeting people and having conversations.
10. Do you have a job: Yes
10a. What do you do?
I work at an IZAKAYA as a waitress.

11. What are your hobbies?
I’m still looking for something that I really like to do.
12. What music/movies/TV shows do you like?
As for music I like Japanese Pop Music and my favorite singer is Mr. Children. Shaw Shank Redemption is my favorite movie. I don’t really like to watch TV, therefore I don‘t really have any shows that I watch religiously.

13. What do you like about Japan? Why?
I like the seasons, and culture. The kimonos and food. In the spring the flowers are beautiful. Summer is not really a time that I like, because it is hot. Fall is colder, and winter is all about the snow.
14. Do you like to travel:
Yes! I love to travel!
14a. Where have you been, outside of Japan:
Unfortunately, I have never been outside of Japan.

15. Where have you traveled in Japan?
I have been to: Hokkaido, Tokyo, Nagoya, Kyoto, Nara, Osaka, Kobe, Hiroshima, Fukouka, and Okinawa.
15a. Please, explain what you saw/experienced in these places:
In Hokkaido, I loved the food. Ghengis Khan Ramen and Crab were delicious. Tokyo was just wonderful, I loved everything; especially the shopping. In Nagoya I enjoyed the castle. Kyoto was all good. I like going to temples and thus Kyoto was great. Nara’s Temples were cool. Osaka was very big, and had a huge aquarium that was very pretty. Kobe is all about the shopping. Hiroshima is cool especially in Miyajima Island with the shrines all about. Fukouka’s amusement park was fun. Okinawa’s beaches are great, actually everything about Okinawa is awesome!

16. Are there any places that you would recommend a traveler to visit?
I would suggest Kyoto and Okinawa, because I love them.
17. What do you wish to do in the future?
I wish to be a wonderful mother.

18. Where do you see yourself 10 years from now?
I will still be living in Japan, probably in Okayama Prefecture in Ehime.

19. What are a few things about yourself, and your country, that you would like the world to know about, that can help describe your character and understand who you are, or where your from?
I’m a positive person, and I like to have conversations. I am still learning English though, so please speak slowly. People tell me I have a very cute smile. Thanks for the interview!

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