March 28, 2010
17th day of travel in Japan - Odaiba, Tokyo, Japan
This is the day of Tokyo Anime Fair 2010 (TAF)! Ben and I woke up early in order to get there to wait in the lines... Yes, I know that sounds silly, but I wanted to experience it. It was an awesome day, and I got so many freebies! I will explain in the next post how to go about this type of convention, but hopefully, you will enjoy looking at these beautiful models!
"Girls of Anime" These are the photos of the girls / ladies / women [whichever is PC to you], that are advertising for anime, manga, or a game that is coming out / or is already out. I was going to start with the event photos, but flickr did something weird with those photos, and I need to re-upload them....
This is the day of Tokyo Anime Fair 2010 (TAF)! Ben and I woke up early in order to get there to wait in the lines... Yes, I know that sounds silly, but I wanted to experience it. It was an awesome day, and I got so many freebies! I will explain in the next post how to go about this type of convention, but hopefully, you will enjoy looking at these beautiful models!
"Girls of Anime" These are the photos of the girls / ladies / women [whichever is PC to you], that are advertising for anime, manga, or a game that is coming out / or is already out. I was going to start with the event photos, but flickr did something weird with those photos, and I need to re-upload them....
School Girls, is where we start. They will appear again, but these girls were advertising either a new book or manga that was coming out. Freebies are in the basket they are holding in the earlier photos. below.

This next series of photos are girls that are advertising a new movie that was coming out called "Zebra Man" I think it was the sequel. The cops were looking good though! They were giving away a free DVD with the trailer of the movie on it.

Next series of photos were for an anime stall. They were giving away flyers and free backgrounds for cellphones. I had one downloaded for the Macross Frontier background. Notice in the first picture the shirt with the girls in the heart, and it says "Neko Jump". I actually meet the girls, who are Thai, and those photos will come up later.

Back to school girls. Japan loves the girls in uniform, and they were handing out folders with anime documents in them. Which school girl outfit do you like better?

This next set was a girl that was advertising a new game that was coming out onto the market. She was handing out flyers/leaflets and bags for the game. It was really cool looking, fantasy game with chibi characters. Girl wasn't bad looking either... ^^

Love the leather! This lady was advertising the movie that was behind her. It was a free 3D movie that you can watch when you were there. There was a line, and the movie really wasn't that good. I feel that the 3D technology in Japan is hit or miss. Some of it is amazing, others not so much. At least this lady was there to interact with!

Red Line, a new anime that was coming out. This section was probably my favorite, if not for the last set of school girls. I like it when the girls have fun with having their photos taken. Why not? They are getting paid to stand there and have their photos taken anyways. These girls did an awesome job. Oh, the anime is cool looking too.

It's Neko Jump! Here are, as I said before, the photos of the Thai singers that sing a song in Japanese. I have not followed them since being here. I did have a poster of them hanging in my room in Japan, but really was never interested in them. The song that they sang was the opening for an anime, but I forget which one. It was cute though.
I was introduced to them by this Australian photographer who was extremely into them, and I was appreciative, but I think they were more interested in what I was doing in Japan after finding out that I can speak a little Thai, than I was of them singing in Japanese.

Alice in Wonderland variations! Love it! Although, cannot really tell you what they were advertising. I think I was just walking through when I snapped these photos. I assume an animation studio though, being the area that they were in [within the con].

Another school girl! This one advertising a gaming company if I remember correctly. Don't know who she is cosplaying, but I assume it is the girl on the pillow. Unfortunately, cannot really tell you anything more about the company or the model.

Lastly, we have the KeION girls that were advertising a new card game. I played this game whilst in Japan once, and have to say, I didn't understand it at all. I figure I'm just not a Magic the gathering type of gamer. I'm not saying that it is bad, just not my cup of tea.
If you are wondering where is Tsumugi and Ritsu, they are absent from the team. It was only Mio, Azunyan, and Yui. They were cute though, and were good at posing. The reason I wasn't fond of taking these photos were because you only had one minute to snap as many photos as possible. They had a guy in the corner with a stop watch, and he would tell you when to go and stop. None of the photos came out, thank god for Lightroom!

Stick around! The next post will have the actual photos of the con, info on how to get around the con, and most importantly, how to get the cool swag! 'til next time, ciao!