Hello! It has been a long while. Again work has been taking up all of my time. Living in the east bay and working in South City is not one of my bests ideas, but it does pay some of the bills... not all because I would have a Canon 5d Mk III now if it did... LOL. Oh to the photos! Here we have an old school anime that is wonderfully portrayed.
Most of us would think of Deedlit, when we think of the Record of Lodoss War, but I have to say this is a fine looking Pirotess. She is the dark elf, that is in service of Ashram. If you look up the photos of the character and put it next to this character, they are very similar!
The model was a pleasure to work with, she was the last person that I shot this day, and was extremely tired from walking around uneven surfaces with very high heeled boots. She hit all the poses, and was excellent in taking direction. I hope you like the photos!