March 20, 2010
9th Day of Travel: Kyoto
In the morning, we got up and went to the JR Train from SHINJUKU to SHINAGAWA. That was the first portion of the trip. Next, came SHINAGAWA SHINKANSEN to KYOTO.
During that trip we decided to take the NOZOMI train. Which we found out that the JR Pass doesn’t work on. We were kicked off the train at YOKOHAMA. Let me add that this is the first time that this has ever happened to me. I used the pass various times on the NOZOMI and never got caught.

Well, we were stuck in YOKOHAMA for a half an hour. Then we got onto a HIKARI to KYOTO. About three hours later, we arrived at our destination. Ben and I slept for most of the trip. My mother found an elderly Japanese lady that spoke English very well and chatted it up. My aunts just spoke with each other the whole way.
Side note: I pointed out Mount FUJI to my mom, and she was able to see it because it was a clear day.

Now in KYOTO, we went to the hostel and dropped off our luggage. Immediately after that we went to KYOMIZUDERA. It took longer than I thought to get there. Walking up the hill to get to the temple, my mother started to get tired.

When we finally arrived at the temple, my mother didn’t want to go in and decided to stay outside. Because of that my aunts also didn’t want to enter the temple. It was annoying to me, but not letting it get to me Ben and I went on in.
On a side note, there were a lot of Thai people in Kyoto. I found it interesting. I kept on running into them, and my relatives were actually able to just hang out and talk to them about Japan. Why they came, where they went/were going, etc. It was different, but kept them sane. I have to say, going to a country where you don't really speak the language is hard, and it is somewhat frustrating when you cannot communicate with people.

KIYOMIZUDERA was as awesome as I remembered. We went around and looked at everything. The main temple with the thousand foot drop, the individual shrines, the love rock/shrine area, and finally the place where the three lines of water were. I told Ben to go drink the water from all three and I would get photos.

Unfortunately, by the time he was done, my relatives were calling me asking me to leave. I told Ben to get me a glass of water, and then we left. I believe that I drank from the love water source.
Next, we went to KINGAKUJI. It was a lot longer than we thought to get to that area. Unfortunately, it closed by the time we got there. I believe that they close at 16:00 hours. It was a bad mistake. Moving back towards the hotel, we decided to grab dinner and then call it a night.

Dinner was Chinese food. During this time my relatives and I got into an argument. I hate to go into private affairs, but this is to drive a point. My mom wanted to go off on her own tomorrow, and I was in agreement. This would have been something to add to their adventure. When my mom asked what I had planned for her, I told her that I had nothing.
This is where the stupid dispute started. Apparently, I was supposed to plan out something for her and my aunts. Only, they never told me that... Also, the plan that they had, was to go to SENDAI, and was changed to a day in HIROSHIMA.

I didn't really care about where they were going, but in order for me to plan something; I need time and a way to gather info. That wasn't what the dispute was based on though, the argument was based on fear.
My aunts were afraid of getting lost, and it didn’t matter how many times I told them it would be OK, they wouldn’t believe me. I was wondering why the hell they would travel if they were scared of getting lost… isn’t that part of traveling?
Not saying that you should just randomly buy a ticket to somewhere and purposefully get lost in the middle of a forest or desert, but I got lost plenty of times all over Japan, and was always able to make it back. People and businesses in tourist hot spots are always happy to help people get to where they need. I differ though, all I am really saying is: Don't let fear stop you from exploring.

Anyhow, I let them know what my plans were for tomorrow and told them to choose what they would want to do. Dinner was then quiet for the rest of the night and I was waiting for the time to go home.
Tomorrow I have big plans! Stay with me!
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Rest of the Photos, click HERE~!
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