There have been a lot of anime characters that have been coming out lately with goth-loli girls who carry umbrellas. This is one of those characters. Not to be out done by this growing trend, One Piece decided to come out with Perona. One Piece, in my opinion, has to be the most popular anime now-a-days. It is one of the few anime that Japanese people will admit to liking without being considered an otaku. Funny, here in the states it isn't really a bad word, but in Japan it is like being crucified to be called an otaku....
Moving on, Perona is a cool character who is very sure of herself and somewhat bossy. She is one of the antagonist from the series, and gives a little trouble to the Straw Hat Pirates. The outfit was really well done, by a very cute little Chinese girl. As soon as she sees these and gives permission for her name to be released, I will do so. A very special thanks to her, and again my lighting assistant Ian. If it wasn't for them, there would be no photos.
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