This is a cosplayer that I actually met quite a while. Check her and her group out at deviant art by clicking HERE. Her name is Jie, and I believe I met her back in I believe 2008. Funny thing is, I've been to Fanime practically every year since, but I've not run into her again until this year. Crazy huh? Also, if you take a look at her page, all the costumes are so well done. Awesome job Jie!
Do you know who she is modeling? Well, if you play the Final Fantasy series, particularly 13, then you would. This is Lebreau (レブロ). If you don't really know who she is, I advise just playing the game. That, and I've not played the game yet, so all I know is what the wiki page tells me. The more I read about the game, the more interested I become. Looks like a good one! Here are the photos!